Help for Parents  of Kids with Autism -  Stress Management and Health Support


Chrissy Tay • Jul 27, 2022

There IS help for the struggling parent. Read on...

Are you confused about what you can get on your current plan?

The NDIS is very confusing. They use a totally different language to us humans! And then they keep changing the goal posts. One minute they say you can have something, the next you cant. Its no surprise that I see lots of parents with special needs kids in absolute overwhelm. 

 This is my story. I had no support.  No family nearby to help out or take a break from caring.I needed help at home. to clean, to cook, to keep things running. As it was my 2 kiddos kept me running around all day and worn out by 5 pm. And getting the kids to their therapies were extra demands on one very stressed out mamma. During the early years , having 2 very emotionally dysregulated young kids  without a break burnt me out.  There were tears upon tears for every allied health professional I encountered during my kids therapies. All they had to ask was "Hi . How are you today?" and I'd be a blubbering mess.

 I dont even remember how i got through those years to be honest. i was just on autopilot. But I got through.... Just.

Once I had recovered from the burnout I went through, I kept on asking myself, where was all the help for parents or sole carers? I'd lost count the times i had phoned carers NSW or parentline, and still no support, no break, no help in the home. Yes they did give me counselling, but even that sometimes felt way off the mark when it was delivered by a male 20 year old with no life experience of being a parent, let alone a parent of a special needs child.

And no referral was ever made by these "lifelines" to get commonwealth assistance because it was very hard to get. Of course when you're in that predicament you don't have the time or energy to look for respite options. Even searching for a babysitter was stressful as we knew how volatile our kids  behaviours could be.

But life has moved on for us now. The kids are that little bit older that Im able to leave them safely for 2 to 3 hrs.  And Im back to coaching parents to stay healthy.

But Im still annoyed when I see parents coming to me stressed beyond belief saying theyve called carer gateway 3 times and nothing has happened. The system has failed us again.

By Chrissy Tay 27 Jul, 2022
How to get the Best Carer Impact Statement for your next NDIS plan: What they wont tell you
By Christine Tay 24 Aug, 2020
Health coaching involves working with a trained mentor and educator to make realistic health goals and maintain the motivation until you meet those goals. Whether your health goal is to improve your fitness, lose weight or eat a healthy diet, Health Coaching has been proven to be very successful in maintaining motivation and accountability to meet your goals until the new healthy behaviour becomes habit. It involves looking into the real reasons you may be sabotaging your health and working out ways to overcome those hurdles. The process involves an initial comprehensive health assessment whereby areas for improvement will be highlighted . Tests such as bloods for cholesterol levels, kidney function, liver function, thyroid function, iron levels , blood pressure and blood glucose etc will be advised, and is a good idea to have a baseline set of measurements taken.Then we will work together to develop a health goal you want to meet . Subsequent sessions are based around what has happened in the previous week. We discuss what worked well , what didnt and devise strategies to assist you to move past those obstacles. I also provide education on areas specific to your goal and ongoing motivation. I offer a FREE comprehensive health assessment and FREE no obligation first coaching session . Try it! You have nothing to lose!
By Christine Tay 24 Aug, 2020
1.SWITCH TO LOW GI FOODS This will help stabilise your blood sugar levels and release sustained energy from your food, preventing the mid afternoon 'crash'. Its non restrictive and even has helped to stop my cravings for sugary foods-Bonus! This approach can be used for people with diabetes, abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovaries 2.LIMIT YOUR CAFFEINE If you really cant do without your coffee, try limiting it to 1 cup in the morning.This way it is less likely to affect your sleep in the night time. Even some energy drinks have cafffeine in them and can cause dangerous heart rhythm abnormalities in certain individuals, so best to avoid these too. 3.DRINK MUCH MORE WATER THAN YOU THINK! World Health Guidelines recommend a healthy woman needs 2.7 litres per day. Try getting a 1.25l water bottle so you can see what youve still got left to drink! 4.GET INTO A BEDTIME ROUTINE Yes, I know, Its hard with young kids!! I can hear you all screaming! However, try and set yourself a time to put the ipads, phone, laptop, away and turn off the TV. It emits blue light which signals you brain to stay awake.Do this simple trick about an hour before bed. Magnesium supplements help also. 5.ASK YOUR DOCTOR TO CHECK SOME BLOOD TESTS Some of the most common causes of fatigue( tiredness) are low iron levels and abnormal thyroid function. Blood tests i recommend getting checked are: EUC - for kidney function LFT- for liver function FBC -for haemoglobin level Ferritin- for iron stores FREE T3, FREE T4 AND TSH (all 3)- for thyroid function Vitamin D and Blood sugar level For a personalised health plan , please contact Chrissy TODAY on 0431 961 912 Copyright 2017.Lifestyle Health Coaching.
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